Friday, 5 June 2009

Souvenir Foto Friday

You may remember, back in March the lovely husband bought me a new camera for my birthday. Its a fantastic camera and I am taking more pictures than ever with it. I have no camera training and have always been a "point, shoot and pray" kind of a girl but over the last couple of years I find myself increasingly drawn to photographic art and have really wanted to develop my own skills.

So when, Miss B of Le Blahg, opened her "Photo School", I wanted in. Unfortunately, it came at just the wrong time for me, we were away in America, so I missed the first two assignments. But I am in for the third.

Joining a group like this one, focuses my attention on taking good photographs. It gives me a subject to look for and encourages me to try out new techniques. Plus, its free. Win, win, win.

Without further ado, I present my submission to the Week 3 assignment, the subject of which was numbers and viewfinder cropping...


Cross processing sharpened the numbers, rounded corners to make it look pretty on the blog. Effects added via picnik.

It isn't the project I wanted to do, very much my second choice. I had really wanted to take shots of all the different styles of house number in our neighbourhood (and I will), I just ran out of time this week.


  1. I love Picnik, isn't it great freeware!

  2. It really is. I am also looking at which is similar but also has more photoshop style features.
